
Support for Local Governments

JFM will, according to the needs of local governments, conduct the necessary research on and give support for issues related to the overall fiscal management of local governments, such as securing fiscal soundness and financing; strive to meet their wide range of expectations as a good adviser to local governments; and thereby contribute to the creation of sustainable local communities.

Basic Stance

JFM will continue to provide comprehensive support for local governments to ensure and improve the fiscal soundness of local governments. JFM will do so in response to, as well as in anticipation of, changes in social conditions, such as the demographic structure, and changes in the policy needs of local governments, such as aging infrastructure.

When implementing support for local governments, JFM will take a broad, medium- to long-term perspective, while taking into consideration that efforts to ensure and improve the soundness of the fiscal management of local governments will lead to the maintenance of JFM’s creditworthiness and the enhancement of its management base.

In addition, JFM will conduct high-quality research and studies on various fiscal issues, and utilize the findings and results of advanced cases for personnel training support and information dissemination, which will lead to the resolution of issues faced by local governments. In such a way, the three pillars of “research and
studies,” “personnel training support,” and “information dissemination” will be organically linked.

Three Pillars of support for local governments

Case Study

Project to strengthen administration and finance management of local governments

In order to strengthen the administration and financial management of local governments and to improve the quality of financial management, JFM conducts a joint project with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to dispatch advisers to individual municipalities, depending on the areas of support needed, such as management reform in municipal enterprises and joint public-private ventures, etc., public facility management, and DX in local governments.

Case Study