Lending Operations for Local Governments
As a Reliable Lender of Public Funds
JFM provides long-term and low-interest rate funds to local government projects that are essential to daily lives of citizens, such as water supply and sewerage, transportation, hospitals, public housing and so on.
Types of Loans
JFM classifies its general loans into the following two categories depending on the term.
Lending Scopes
JFM provides loans exclusively to local governments.
Adjustable lending rates are reviewed depending on the maturity of the loan every 5 years, every 10 years or every 15 years or 20th, or 30th anniversary of the initial disbursement. Lending rates for Temporary Financial Countermeasures Fundings are reviewed every 5 years or 10 years.
Figures represent maximum maturities and grace period for principal payment.
Lending Activities
In fiscal 2023, the lending volume amounted to USD 10.4 billion. At year-end, outstanding loans were USD 152.6 billion.
USD 1 = JPY 151.25 as of 31 March 2024.
The major JFM-funded local government businesses are as follows.